About Sagua de Tánamo

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Imagen Sagua

The municipality of Sagua de Tánamo was founded as a town in 1804, although the first settlers are reported since the 1720s, appearing for the first time in the second half of the century, the slave labor force, as labor force; reaching the status of municipality, on January 1, 1879, to segregate from Guantanamo as a territorial party in December 1878.

The territorial limits of the current municipality are: to the north, the municipality of Frank País; to the east, the municipality of Moa; to the south, the municipality of El Salvador, province of Guantánamo and to the west, the municipality of Frank País, bordering also with the municipality of Segundo Frente, province of Santiago de Cuba.

It has an area of 702 km2, which represents 7.8% of the total area of the province. The population is 50,629 inhabitants, as of 2008, with a population density of 72.1 inhabitants per km2. The urban population is 45.7%, with a degree of urbanization of 45.7%, while the rural population is 54.2%. Of the total population, 26,193 are male and 24,436 are female. Interestingly, according to the 2002 census, the rural population is subdivided into 76 human settlements: 25 rural towns and 51 hamlets, as well as 14 popular councils.

Its geography is mountainous, with a maximum altitude of 519.5 m above sea level. Above sea level. Its hydrography is represented by the rivers Sagua de Tánamo and its tributaries Castro, Miguel, Santa Catalina and a great number of streams. The Sagua River rises in the mountains of the Nipe - Sagua - Baracoa mountain range, with a length of 89.0 km, of which 12 are navigable. It runs from south to north and flows into the Atlantic coast, in the municipality of "Frank País". Its waters are of great use in the supply to the population and applicable to agriculture.

The main economic activity is agriculture and livestock with important coffee, fruit and various crops. It also exploits large and small livestock and among other sources has the construction materials industry, a combined food and a soft drink factory, with its final destination in the production of syrups and bottled rum.

Its most important natural resources are its agricultural soils and forest areas. It has an agricultural area of 312.5 km2. Of this, 145.07 km2 are cultivated, which represents 46.4%. It also has a non-agricultural area of 389.4 km2, with 36.6 km2 of forest.

Among its most relevant facts, history tells of the stay of Christopher Columbus in 1492, during his first navigation trip, having circumnavigated the bay for 4 and a half days. Also the presence of the cacique Guamá in 1522; the incursion of Antonio Maceo on more than 5 occasions, during the wars for national independence; the contribution to national independence of Carlos Duboys Castillo, brigadier, Undersecretary of the Interior in the Jimaguayú constituent; outstanding invader at the side of Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, finally taking up arms again against José Miguel Gómez in 1906. The stay of the Government of the Republic in Arms in February 1896 and with it: Salvador Cisneros Betancourt and Bartolomé Masó, President and Vice President respectively; Carlos Roloff; Fermín Valdés Domínguez and Major General José Maceo, at the head of the 1st Army Corps, in the combat of Loma de Miguel, was another significant event.

The development of the insurrectional struggle is another of the great events, inserting Sagua in the territory of the Second Eastern Front "Frank País García", commanded by Raúl Castro Ruz. The Anti-Aircraft Operation was significant in this stage; The battle for the capture of Sagua, which lasted 8 days with their respective nights, led by commanders Belarmino Castilla Mas, Aníbal of the II Front and Antonio Enrique Luzón, an act of arms that gave Sagua the title of "Martyr City" and finally the fall in combat on the sands of Playa Girón, on April 19, 1961, of Captain Luis Artemio Carbó Ricardo, fighter of the Rebel Army, who received postmortem the rank of commander.

Educationally, the municipality has the children's circle "Los Rebelditos", 115 elementary schools, 3 pre-university schools, 3 basic secondary schools, 3 mixed schools, 1 professional technical school, two special education schools and two adult education schools. In addition, 1 University Center, with 4 sites: the SUM; the Medical Sciences, Physical Culture and Pedagogical.

The development of health is evidenced in 2 hospitals with 202 beds; 1 integral community polyclinic; 1 stomatological clinic, these teaching institutions; 1 maternity home, 1 grandparents' home, 69 medical offices, 6 pharmacies and 1 Medical Emergency Service (SIUM) with modern technology ambulances.